Back in Business

Last weekend marked my return to the show circuit after missing out this past Fall season.  I appreciate all the warm prayers and comments regarding my health–I’m slowly on the path to full recovery.  Blessed by my CEO (hubby who Carries Everything Out), I am able to get back to my love for creating fabulous and joyful pieces to wear.  Lots of new ideas coming for the late Spring/Summer collection.  Winter in Georgia has been rough and unpredictable so I’m ready for warmth and sunshine!  Please continue to check my evolving show schedule for 2015.

I would also love to start a gallery of my customers who love their piece.  If you are so inclined, please send me your picture! I meet several of my return customers last week and they shared with me their continued joy of having one of my pieces.  Sometimes, though, because every piece is unique, I forget the exact look or what the piece was.  So, help me out and send me a few pictures.

Here are a couple of ladies from last year:

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I will also continue to share some of my knowledge with this blog.  I believe that all artists should share their techniques and methods to inspire future artists.  Also, it’s always fun to see how your piece was fabricated and made special!

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